No harvesting of my stem cells today. There weren’t enough. But it was a day early. Please pray that my numbers will be high enough to harvest tomorrow.
I got the rundown of the different types of treatments that may await me after the bone marrow tests are analyzed. Some forms of treatment are more desirable than others but all of them are designed to give me the best chance of survival based on my current state. This is another thing that you can pray for. Please pray that I get the best treatment for me. I know God has a plan and that I am in the middle of that plan I just want to make sure I stay there and don’t force myself off the path.
There was lots of new info, tests and changed plans today. My head is still spinning a little and I think I am going to lay down and try to sort out my thoughts. Thank you all for reading and praying. I really appreciate it.
On the bright side
Things are moving toward the last round of treatment. It’s still a way off but we are moving toward it. After the third round, whatever it might look like, comes the healing and restoration part which I can do from home.
Today I left the regional hospital Kalnes to go back to the university hospital “Riksen”. I am here to harvest my stam cells that I hopefully will be getting back in a few weeks. It has still not been decided what the next treatment will be. Hopefully they will take the test to see how I responded to the 2nd round of chemo soon, and then decide. Not knowing what the next weeks will be like is stressful and scary. The doctors aren’t really generous with the details, getting some clarity would be nice. I hope for the the easiest solution, that they just need to insert my stam cells back. But I put it all in God’s hands.
Please pray for me the next few days.
On the bright side
I finally got the last piece of tape from the ICU of. It was super adhesive stuck to my belly hair. It took about a week of careful maneuvering and moisturizing cream to get it off
Between yesterday and today things have accelerated over here. Thursday evening they started stimulating my stem cell growth. Friday showed impressive growth already and this morning I was told that they want to transfer me to Oslo already on Sunday for observation and evaluation and that they may start harvesting the cells on Monday or Tuesday. I believe that this is ahead of the original schedule. That means that whole septic shock episode didn’t put any delay on the plan.
It will be nice to start focusing on beating the Leukemia again. The past few weeks have been all about getting me better from my infection and getting back on my feet. I’m still recovering and have a way to go but I’m glad we can move on to the next phase of getting me healed of this.
We don’t know what this third stage of treatment will look like, there are too many variables right now and too many tests to be taken and analyzed. But forward movement is good. God’s hand has been on us all the way and continues to guide the ship. Please keep praying for me, it makes the difference.
On the bright side
As usual its pretty bright on both sides here, but with things moving so quickly I am looking forward to the whole process being moved along quickly so I can be healed, healthy and with my family again.
Good morning everybody.
I want to thank you all for praying and thinking about me. I feel like a new man. It looks like things may have turned a corner. But I still have appendicitis and it seems like as my blood numbers are improving, this may affect the appendicitis negatively and it will at one point need to be removed. It’s complicated and I don’t understand this proces myself but the doctors do all kinds of tests to try and be ahead of this particular part of the game. I ask you all to pray for the best outcome. Besides the appendicitis everything seems to be looking good. I still have fever spikes but I am not getting worse. I am covered by all kinds of antibiotics and other anti-medicines.
I had PT today and she cleared me for getting out if bed and moving around more under supervision. I eat more and can reduce the intake of nutritions IV but am no where near my dream of eating my way through this.
On the bright side
It’s all on the bright side.
It may not sound like great news but in comparison it really is. Yesterday I was transferred from the ICU back to the regular cancer unit wich means that we are through the worst of it. I am sorry I haven’t written much lately but I have been spending my energy just getting through the thick of it. Hopefully from now we can start getting back on track and finish up this treatment and let the real healing begin. God took us on this little detour, now we can see what the rest of this adventure looks like.
On the bright side
I have a room with a nice view of a pasture with four cows in it. And a TV