Yesterday was the Big Meet. May and I were at the hospital all day. We got a lot of info. A whole lot of info, and a free lunch.
They check you up and down and inside and out before you sit down and have the walk through and get the small print. I’ve seen a dentist, a cardiologist, and a lung specialist, I gave 15 vials of blood and a cup of urine. I’ve now been X-rayed, EKGed, ultrasound checked and even met with a social worker to make sure my life wasn’t going to fall apart during this phase. As it turns out I’m pretty healthy for a sick guy.
After all the checks, tests and conversations, we met with the doctor in charge once again and she went over the whole process, describing everything I’ll do and go through and everything that can go wrong. (they have to do this – its like the small print on the box of anything you buy in the US these days)
Here are the highlights for you-
The have found a perfect match donor for me and that donor has said yes. He just needs a medical check and to make the donation. Please pray for this person.
The whole process from start to finish (leave home / come home) will be 5-7 weeks depending on how my body reacts to the new cells and medicines.
It’s going to be a long, sucky 5-7 weeks, but it will end eventually.
I am apparently too old and have been through too much to get the powerful chemo round that wipes everything out right away. So I’ll get a milder version which delivers the same result, but takes a little longer to get the job done – and it will NOT put me in isolation.
There are abut a thousand things that can go wrong, but probably won’t. Things can go wrong in varying degrees. Somethings will go wrong but they know how to handle them. However – there are no guarantees.
The only thing we don’t know is the start date. There are too many unknowns right now to give a concrete date – the donor needs to go through his stuff and be healthy – I need to get through this phase of not having an immune system (which will include a fever and a trip to the hospital) and then my blood levels need to climb to a healthish level. If i had to guess, I’d say end of January / beginning of February, which would bring me home from the hospital mid to late March and have me back to a semi normal life by June.
Now you know as much as I do. I’m excited and nervous at the same time. If you pray, please pray for the donor, that everything goes smoothly for him and me, and that I only need to suffer the parts that are going to make me a better man.