Quick Update

Its been a week since the big info meeting and we haven’t anything more on that front, but some things have happened.

I was admitted to the local hospital last Friday.  It was a perfect storm of “what if” senarios.  We had had two days with a lot of snow and we weren’t sure we were going to be able to get the car out.  They were calling for rain the next day (which could mean freezing rain) and the doctor was certain that I was going to get a fever at any minute and thought it might be smart to have me at the hospital ahead of time instead of potentially having to drive out in the middle of the night in the horrible weather conditions.

We heeded the good doctor’s advice and drove in.  As it was we barely got the car out of the driveway and it was rough going all the way to the hospital – but we made it and May eventually made it home again safely.

So now I sit here in the local hospital – with the same view of the cow pasture as last time – but this time there are no cows.  The snow is all gone and the sun is shining.  The rains came with forty degree plus weather and the snow was all but gone in two days.  As for me, well I still haven’t gotten a fever. But have needed a few blood transfusions so it wasn’t been a complete waste of time here. I am completely bored out of my mind though.

In other news, my normally crazyish hair is weirder than normal.  After the first round of chemo in November i started shedding and lost about 1/3 of my hair, so I shaved everything.  Of the 2/3s remaining – one of the thirds was happy to stay at about the millimeter I had shaved everything down to. The other third decided that it would continue to grow as if nothing had happened.  So my head, is 1/3 bald, 1/3 mm long stubble and 1/3, inch long plus scraggel. Unfortunately, it’s not just my head, but the same is true for my face. I look like a crazy old prospector you might find, malnourished in the hills, after having been missing for twenty years.  The head I can cover with a hat, but my face is harder hide and I can’t shave properly until I’m up and running again. What are you gonna do?


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