The Truth

I’ve tried to keep this blog blue-eyed and smiley for the most part. I share the good and the bad but try to mostly focus on the good. But the truth is that recently there is almost as much pain as happiness going on. This process has many facets to it. All of them are equally true and real.

Fact 1: Most importantly is that the transplant so for has been a success and my blood levels and prognosis are very good.There is every reason to belive I will remain cancer free.

Fact 2: The past week I’ve been in horrible pain as my body adjust to the medicines I have to take in order to not reject the new bone marrow growing inside my bones. My arms have been in a lot of pain and almost unusable. It’s been one of the most difficult weeks of my cancer experience. But that said, the doctors say this is a normal side effect and not at all unusual. I will be dealing with this and various side effects for the next 6 to 12 months.

In the big picture everything is good and should be fine in the end but the road getting there is going to be long and difficult. We take it one day at a time and I continue to need your prayers and encouragement. Even though my levels are good I am still in the thick of it.

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