Day 14 The Hunt Is On (Monday 28th of June)

It looks like that at some point in my treatment I am going to need a bone marrow transplant.  The doctor’s off looking in the international bone marrow register. And my kids and siblings will be tested to see if they are donors.

I’m running another fever but feel OK. Still need antibiotics. 

Pray for me. Pray that my fever breaks and that my immune system builds itself up strong again. Pray that my energy returns and that my appetite increases. Pray that I can continue to stay positive and see the little light points everywhere. Pray that I will be protected against infections and viruses while my body is in this vulnerable spot. Pray that I will be open to hearing God’s voice when He speaks to me.  Pray for strength and encouragement for my wife and kids. Pray that my body fixes itself the way it supposed to.  Pray they find a donor for me. Pray whatever God might be putting on your heart.

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