I am drained. I thought that the feeling sick part was going to the worst but for right now it is the complete lack of energy. I could have slept all day if I’d allowed myself. Luckily I have my to do list and if I have a list, the items need to be checked out. Sometimes my motivation for doing things isn’t to do them and get healthier, its to be able to check them off the list. Call me crazy.
Speaking of crazy. I had a fever induced dream last night. The kind you only get when you have flu or take sleeping medicine. I was chasing Aslan down the halls of the hospital and we were trying to figure out who stole all my blood and how to catch them and get it back. I woke up before we ever figured out who the culprit was. Sweaty and shaken, I took my temp and called the nurse who checked everything else and let me go back to sleep. It was the chemo that had caused the fever and not bacteria, so it was safe to let me go on.
Eating my way through this isn’t going to be easy as I thought. I never thought that would be a problem but here I am force feeding myself grapes and nuts. Staying hydrated is going OK, two liters of water isn’t that much.
May came by and visited. And the kids all wished me a Happy Father’s Day (It’s US Father’s Day today.) Unfortunately, I was so tired that I wasted most of my time with May. She is so patient with me.
On the bright side
I am so glad I have this Hicksman’s Catheter in my chest. With the number of medicines they are putting in me every day and the amount of blood they take out, I would be in absolute misery with all the needles and sticking I’d be getting. But now I just lay there and they put in or take out whatever they want through one of the tubes coming out of my chest. Thank you God.