A Little Sunshine

I must say that things have greatly improved since my update earlier last week. After ten days of steroids and creams the rash is pretty much gone and I look normal, unless you look too closely.  I’ve responded so well that they are already reducing the amount of steroids they are giving me. Praise God for that.

I have been to three different hospitals over four days this week.   Two check ups, blood tests and FINALLY, the surgery to remove my chest catheter which was two months overdue coming out. As my wife said, “it’s a fulltime job being sick”.  Next week will be slightly better, three hospitals over three days, but no surgery.

I still need to stay out of the sun and be careful in the heat – not an easy task in Norway these days as we face unusually warm weather and dryness this week.  But we have a shady deck and a nice living room so I’m getting along well and have a nice excuse not to have to go out and do yard work – I have kids for that.

That’s the update for now. Thanks for sticking with me.  Hopefully its smooth sailing for the next few months. I’ll keep you posted.

1 kommentar
    1. Good to hear that you are showing signs of improvement and towards normality. Smooth ⛵️ sailing in Jesus name.

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