A lot of information, not many answers

I had my three month check up today (at the big hospital in Oslo).  It involved nine vials of blood, a bone marrow test, an ECG, a urine sample, a thorough examination, two questionnaires, an interview and an X-ray of my lungs, and the only concrete answer I came home with is that I gained a pound.

It will take several days for the answers to all the tests to come back, but based on the questionnaires, examination and interview, things seem to be looking pretty good.  They’ve lowered my daily pill intake from thirteen to seven, and I’m being weened off the immune suppressant that was giving me trouble earlier in my recovery.  Hopefully I’ll be medicine free by mid-summer.

So hopefully the whole lymph node / lymphoma episode is behind us and its smooth sailing from here.  I can start taking vaccinations this fall and May and I got the green light for our big romantic adventure next winter.  That’s the carrot that is getting this ass to pull the wagon.

In other news- The hair on my head is out of control.  When I say head, i mean my whole head, not just the top part.  On top my hair had grown back as thick as it ever was (which was pretty thick) but it’s all grey and white now.  I’m going to need to adapt to that.  My eye brows are not only growing long and thick but are slowly trying to come together in the middle to give me a unibrow. It takes quite an effort to keep the brow in check.  I have so much hair on my ears that I could double for the wolf man and the hair in my nose is so thick I can hardly breath.  The 5 o’clock shadow that used to take me a week to grow now appears the next morning after an evening shave.

The doctor says that at least the ear, nose and eye brows should go back to normal as I stop taking some of the medicines I’m on.  I was relieved to hear that, because I have never spent as much time in front of the mirror plucking and pruning as I have the past month.  I doubt I could keep it up forever and I would end up eventually looking like a Florida skunk ape.

Not sure why it’s all just happening on my head.  My legs are silky smooth.

All in all, it’s good to be me.  I had a much better (positive) feeling walking out of the doctors office today than I did on Friday.  I can see that things are moving forward toward the ultimate goal of me being completely healthy.  I feel good right now and have no reason to suspect that anything is wrong.  If things change as the test results come in, I’ll update it here. In the meantime please keep praying for and encouraging me.  It works and I am very grateful.  Thank you all.

1 kommentar

    1. Hi Brian!
      I look forward to reading your updates. Good to hear that you are doing and feeling well. Your such a good man, your optimistic attitude is admirable. Pray for positive encouraging test results. Hugs

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