A Room with a View

I am starting to feel the effects of the chemo therapy. So far it is just headache and drowsiness but I know that the rest of the goodies are just around the corner so I am trying to stay as busy as possible until I can´t be busy anymore. I stay safely tucked in my room with my books, computer and decorations. My niece Oline made me a beautiful card that I hang up on the board and she also made me a nice advent star for my window in case I don´t get any.

Outside my room it´s cold and dark and the apple tree has dropped all its apples. I watch the birds fight over the seeds and flesh, intermittently being disturbed by a giant brown rat running around the court yard.

May came to visit around 2. She brought some of Brendas delicious baked spaghetti. Thank you Brenda!!

You may remember from the first round I blogged that I used to write a little on the bright side segment. I am working on it but I am not quit there yet. Still sifting through a lot of emotions, questions and what nots. I haven´t lost any of my faith, God is still God and I still believe His promises for me. But the state of mind I am in now I’d just be selling you sunshine and rainbows but nothing real.

3 kommentarer

    1. Hang in there!
      I’m thinking about season 1 of your blog.
      It helped me looking at the bright side of things.

    2. Brian, I wrote on the other ways.. hopefully it will get to you. Imagining you makes me feel….
      feel loved and cared for.
      Ein geknicktes Rohr wird er nicht zerbrechen und einen glimmenden Docht nicht auslöschen.

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