Bone Marrow Transplant – check

It’s over. I had the transplant today and everything went perfectly.

My donor was a twenty two year old male – no idea where he was from.  But according to the Doctor he delivered perfectly – not too many cells, not too few, but exactly what they were hoping to harvest.  Thank you God.

The transplant was just like a blood transfusion so there was no drama involved.  Plenty of emotion, but no drama.

Now that its over I am super tired. I think now that it’s over all the anxiety, fear, stress, and nerves have retreated and my weary body needs a rest.  I should sleep well tonight.

What happens next is – I should have five OK days, then things will start to go down hill.  How far and how fast remain to be seen. But after those five days I should have a rough patch of about to weeks with some of the side effect I described in my last entry and a few unknowns caused by the donor cells and the meds I’m taking to counter any graft / host problems and get my body to accept the new bone morrow.  But in about three weeks from today (+ -) I should start feeling better and my body should start putting itself together again, and hopefully another two weeks after that I should be on my way home to start recovering properly.

Thank you all for your prayers and encouragement.  It really means a lot to me knowing I have so many people behind me cheering me on.


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