Cancer Free!

We got the news today! I’m cancer free! That is probably the third best thing I could hear, after hearing God say “well done” and hearing my wife say “I do”.

What a relief. It wasn’t something I was expecting to hear today, but man does it feel good. But it doesn’t mean I’m finished. I will get one more round of chemo just to make sure I stay this way. After that I’ll have 12+ days with no immune system. From there I go into recovery modus and spend this Fall building up my immune system, gaining my strength back, going to counseling and regular control trips to the hospital. If all goes well I should be back to normal in 4-6 months.

God brought me through this just like He said He would. Its gone quickly, even though at times it felt like it would never end. I am so grateful to God and trust that we’ll get through the next round as well.

On the bright side

I can see the light at the end of the tunnel and its a little overwhelming. I got the news and came home and slept for two hours. Its been an afternoon of tears and smiles and its been emotionally draining, but it feels good.

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