DAY 24 A Normal Day (Thursday 8th of July)

I woke up in my own bed and had something close to a normal day.

May made a nice breakfast which we eat while we chatted across the table. After breakfast we lounged around until a friend came over, bearing pizza for lunch.  We sat in the shade and talked about everything and nothing at all.  It was a nice change from the long lonely mornings at the hospital. It was nice to spend time with my friend.

In the afternoon some other friends came over to help move my oldest daughter into her new apartment in Oslo.  They were taking the larger items today, a sofa, a refrigerator, a washing machine and a bed.  What a blessing that they stepped up and took care of this project while I am incapacitated.  Both Hannah and Jakob were along moving.

While they were moving the rest of us ate leftovers for dinner.  Today could have been any summer day. A day I normally would have taken for granted. But this week I appreciate waking up in my own bed, next to my beautiful wife. I appreciate my friends and the things they do for us.  Having leftovers is a sign of abundance and all these things are evidence of a blessed life.

On the bright side

The weather has been beautiful lately.  A nice summer is a rare thing in Norway.  It’s not uncommon to have rainy or chilled days. And sometimes it gets super hot and dry. But so far this year everything has been just the way Norwegians like it high 70s and sunny. 

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