Day 29 A Mixed Bag of Emotions (Tuesday 13th of July)

Last night while I was not sleeping, Baltimore Oriole Trey Mancini came in second place in the annual Home Run Derby.  Last year Trey was diagnosed with colon cancer and beat it.

When the long night was over, we crawled out of bed, ate breakfast, and drove back to the hospital in Oslo.  I knew it was going to be a big day of tests ending in start of my second round of chemo.  We sent May home, so she didn’t have to suffer through the battery of tests and waiting.

I took my tests, including a covid test which kept me locked in my room for most of the day.  After waiting for several hours, the doctor came in and told me that the first round had gone exceptionally well.  We knew that from before, but a week on when they checked the results things are even better. The cancer cells in my marrow are down to 1.5%, the doctors were hoping for below 5%.  The other things they check were almost back to normal levels after a week of being home and marathon eating (still didn’t gain any weight)  Those normal levels will soon be wiped out by round two, but its good to know that my body is responding well to both the treatment and the recovery.

In the afternoon a dermatologist came by to look at my moles (this is part of a larger project before I even got cancer) He went over me with his loupe and couldn’t find anything suspicious. I am sure that this news delighted May as my mole have been a major area of worry for her over the years.

I found out about seven-thirty that I did not have covid and was then free to wander the halls. The only other news is that with this new treatment I need to start taking eye drops four times a day.  Its not that easy but luckily the nurses are willing to set them in for me. 

On the bright side

I’m so glad I have so many people on my side praying for me or cheering me on.  It sure makes this journey less lonely.

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