Day -3 I Don’t Know Anything (Saturday 12th of June)

I have no recollection of this day ever taking place. 

I’ve checked and it is still on the 2021 calendar so it did take place.

If I had to guess… probably more blood tests and blood pressure measurements.

My wife says we went for a walk, which I remember, but could not have put a date or time on it.

I do have a recollection from Saturday night though. I was trying to fall asleep in my hospital room, mentally tossing and turning, when all of the sudden I was convinced that I was going to die and leave my family helpless. Panic set in and I was scared to death. I lay there crying. It was like I was I in Dumbo’s psychedelic nightmare, shadowy things were flying through my mind.  Then I heard Michael W Smith’s voice in my head “The Word says, for the spirit of heaviness, put on the garment of praise” (from the live intro to His song Surrounded)  I grabbed ahold of that word and started singing.  I started with Surrounded and sang whatever praise song came into my mind. I don’t know how long I kept this up but at some point at I realized I was completely at peace and actually feeling encouraged.  After that I slept a nice peaceful sleep.

On the Brightside

Nothing is better than knowing that God is there with you. Whatever might happen, just knowing that He is there helping you, making sure you have enough of whatever you need to get through, is such a comfort. If you don’t God like that you really should. He knows you and he knows what you need in every situation.  And when you make that first small step, He’ll come running to the rest of the way to you.

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