I am finally out of the nausea, diarrhea infested cesspool of the latest chemo treatment. It is nothing I did my self, God fished me out and brought me back to the land of the living. Not everything is quit right but way better than it was before.
Yesterday I finally started feeling like a real person again and today I found out that the doctors want to send me home tomorrow afternoon when my last treatment is finished. I don´t know why, I don’t care why, I am just glad to go.
I am not sure what God is up to, but I sure not am complaining about this part of it.
Poor May has been running back and forth between Oslo and Moss, I am glad she gets a break now and I will be able to see her every day.
We won´t be able to have any visits any time soon. This is not a “fattening up” trip home, this is a “building my immune system” trip home.
Going home tomorrow will close the part of this adventure that we have known before hand. The rest is a big, unanswered mystery which scares me. I know what ever happens I am in God´s hands but having no idea is pretty scary. Please pray for me and I´ll keep you updated as we figure things out.
On the bright side
I am going home tomorrow. No more temperature taking, no more hospital food, no more hospital smells, no more restless nights being connected and disconnected to various medicines and test.