Finally, Some Progress… and I’m Feeling Loved

So it’s all good news today.

I took a bone marrow test this morning to see if the chemo had done its job and IT HAS! I am, for the moment, cancer free, and there is a glimmer of what the future holds.

I can go home for a little while once my immune system kicks back in (which should happen in the next few days).

This will be followed by a smaller chemo round to make sure that everything that is dead stays dead – until I can get a stem cell/bone marrow transplant sometime after Christmas.

That was my progress.

In other news… My wonderful wife set in motion a project to assemble an advent calendar for me.  She contacted friends, family and co-workers (who are also friends) and the result was overwhelming.  So many people have responded and given to bless me.

Thank you all.  I’ve only opened two gifts so far so I haven’t seen everything yet but I will get there by Christmas Eve.  You are all appreciated and I am thank for each of you. Thanks again.

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