Honesty (Wednesday 28 of July)

I know I said I would try to keep this blog positive and somewhat humorous but as you see sometimes that leads to a dead stop. It has been nothing funny or fun about the past few days. Not to get into to many details but here are a few of the things I have been through. Sepsis by e coli, super low blood pressure, pneumoniae, diarrhoea, shallow breath and a host of other things I cant remember tught know. I came to ICU Sunday morning and has been here since. There has been countless infusions, blood products, new medicine, tests and several doctors and nurses. Dude, there were so many infusions going on, I needed 2 more ports in my veins. But I woke up this morning feeling like my old self. I am not out of the woods yet but definitely heading that direction. 

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    Takk for at du engasjerer deg i denne bloggen.
    Unngå personangrep og sjikane og prøv å holde en hyggelig tone selv om du skulle være uenig med noen.
    Husk at du er juridisk ansvarlig for alt du skriver på nett.

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