Hotdogs and Perspective

It was date night at the hospital tonight.

May came in and I took her out to the convenient store / gift shop for a hotdog.

As we sat at the table eating and chatting away we watched the Christmas light flicker and the people strolling by. Back and forth, back and forth. Some people were celebrating their exam, some people were visiting loved ones and other were being admitted for the first time.

It was a swarm of people covering every stroke of the human condition.

May pointed out that in the big picture this cancer diagnosis is just a blip.

As people with serious conditions, terminal illnesses and life-long afflictions walked by, I knew she was right. In a few months all this will be behind me and I will be off on new adventures. That is not the case for a lot of people. While my story isn’t as happy as the new parents pushing their newborn in the trolly, it isn’t anything to mourn over either. I’ve got this and God’s got me.

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